In today’s era, it’s not a matter of any community, caste, creed or religion, everyone is being a prosperous part of celebrating every festival, no matter what the religion is. World has changed, their thoughts have improvised and it seems that, we the humans are heading towards a better planet. Winter is near, same way Christmas! The festive vibes are whistling everywhere in the air and breeze. Novotel, Chandigarh has invited REFT Today at the cake mixing ceremony on November, 19th. 2022. As soon as I entered into the cake mixing area, I saw Executive Chef ‘Tikka’ Manpreet Singh greeting me from the bottom of his heart.
Novotel Chandigarh, celebrates it’s cake mixing ceremony.
He also, showed the entire premises which was decorated and designed specifically for kids this time. From baby aprons to gloves, from menu to the drinks, everything was done for children only. Though, their beautiful mothers were equally happy seeing their kids enjoying to the fullest. Later, GM Mr. Ashish Battu joined the conversation and briefed a bit about the event. Along with them few of the other staff members greeted me and showed everything which was going to take place at the event. The dry fruits, cherries and spices were spread over a large table and NOVOTEL written, made it really exquisite and different from others.
Executive Chef ‘Tikka’ Manpreet Singh (Red Turban) with few of his kitchen teams enjoying after the event.
KHATIBAH REHMAT (Senior Journalist): Spread some light over this cake mixing ceremony (it’s brief history) and why is it celebrated amongst non-Christians today?
EXECUTIVE CHEF ‘Tikka’ MANPREET SINGH: Today people are not bound to any caste or religion, they just celebrate love and harmony, no matter to which community they themselves belong to. Cake mixing was never a religious affair, it was always celebrated to bring closed ones together before Christmas strikes and people get too occupied on festive day. Cake mixing brings good luck along with it, where dry fruits are soaked and are added to the cake mixture later while baking.
Team Novotel Chandigarh with REFT Today’s Senior Journalist Khatibah Rehmat (with stripe shirt in center).
KHATIBAH REHMAT (Senior Journalist): All those who doesn’t want dryfruits and cherries to be soaked in liquor then in that case is there any option for them? If yes, then what’s that?
EXECUTIVE CHEF ‘Tikka’ Manpreet Singh: Yes of course, there are wide ranges of options for all those who doesn’t want to mix dryfruits, cherries and spices into liquor. They can soak them into any fruit juices of their choices which gives a different taste everytime they mix a flavour of their own. And storing process is the same, keeping it in airtight containers, that’s it!
Contact now over the given number: +91-9807 224 255.
INTERVIEW TAKEN BY: Khatibah Rehmat (Senior Journalist).