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In this era of strong medicines and weak immunity people are unable to get cured despite having the best medical facilities in the country. Many times doctors even give up on the patients and ask to take them back home and simply pray. Well, praying is a good act but medicine and spirituality goes side by side. And when we speak about spirituality and science today then REIKI (YOG) comes into being. REIKI helps in building up the inner power and realising oneself how powerful they are from within, which helps in raising the immunity and other related deficiencies as well. One day I got an invitation from one of my very close friends from Dubai-Mrs. Vandana Singh to meet Dr. Manoj Kumar Bimal ji, the retired Director of Safdargunj Airport, New Delhi. He came all through from Patna, Bihar to conduct two days Spiritual Camp, in which participants attuned with AUM Sadhna,  Mahapran Sadhana REIKI Spiritual and other spiritual practices, which is very effective and helpful in giving a new lease of life.

The two-day seminar on REIKI by ‘Guruji’ Dr. Manoj Kumar Bimal ji in Ghaziabad.

This was an auspicious opportunity to meet an intellect like him, not just this ‘Guruji’ Dr. Manoj Kumar Bimal ji believes that our inner child should always be alive within us. He was a bit of a humorous type of person as well, like the other side of the coin. While talking to him off the camera, I was literally lost in his knowledgeable talk and then requested him to speak the same in a live interview. The detailed interview is on our official Instagram page: Believe me you will love the knowledge of ‘Guruji’ Dr. Manoj Kumar Bimal ji has shared.  Apart from him a few ‘sadhaks’ talked about their experiences from almost a miserable life to a normal one. Let’s begin with the new Sadhaks (followers) continuing towards the old ones.

Ms. Bhawna

Ms. Bhawna found this REIKI seminar a fruitful one because she was feeling more relaxed and highly confident within herself and felt a changed personality.

Ms. Mallika

Ms. Malika talked about his experience for internal peace and relaxation. Earlier she had anxiety and could not feel relaxed. But, after the REIKI seminar and with the help and guidance of ‘Guruji’ Dr. Manoj Kumar Bimal ji, she felt better and now will continue with this practice so that she may be fine forever.

Let’s now move towards the old ‘sadhaks’ (followers).

Mrs. Shalini Aggarwal

Mrs. Shalini Aggarwal was suffering from Psoriasis since childhood. It is a chronic (long-lasting) disease in which the immune system becomes overactive that results the skin cells to multiply too quickly. She always used to put on the gloves so that no one could see her problem. But for a long time she performed REIKI practice under ‘Guruji’ Dr. Manoj Kumar Bimal ji and now her skin condition is like a normal person.

Sri. Rajesh kumar ji

Sri. Rajesh kumar ji talked about the Sansthan as he didn’t have any ailment but he joined ‘Guruji’ Dr. Manoj Kumar Bimal ji’s REIKI seminar just because of his wife’s belief in him and his treatments.

Sri. Bhaskar Choudhury ji

Sri. Bhaskar Choudhury ji talked about his chest pain and bipolar disorder as whenever he used to do his business it used to fail due to some or the other reasons and due to overthinking he was getting chest pain which made him restless, he was even becoming a patient of bipolar disorder. But, when he came to know about ‘Guruji’ Dr. Manoj Kumar Bimal ji, and took a brief knowledge of REIKI then he began to regain his inner peace and now he could concentrate on his startup.

Sri. Ramtanu Saha ji

Sri. Ramtanu Saha ji is a government employee at the airport authorities of Kolkata. One day he fell from the stairs and his tail bone was cracked. He could not even move and operation was becoming very difficult in his case. But then he approached ‘Guruji’ Dr. Manoj Kumar Bimal ji. And within a year he again did his MRI test and the report was normal, now he walks like a normal person.

Sri. Vivek Bhaskar ji

Last but not the least I would like to tell you about the last ‘sadhak’ (follower) of the day
Sri. Vivek Bhaskar ji who came out of acute depression which he was dealing with since his teenage years. He saw how his parents lost almost everything including their jobs to save his younger brother from cancer. They faced a real worst condition financially, all this affected him so much that he went into depression. But his father said that he has to focus on his studies no matter what the condition is. So, later he did his B.Tech and is now working in a multinational company in Gurugram. But still he was not out of his depression, then with the help of continuous REIKI practice now he is getting cured a lot.



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