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EntrepreneurshipSPECIAL CATEGORY


REFT Today’s interview conversation of Suniti Garg Special Correspondent and Shahrukh Hasan Rizvi (To-be-Politician), from Allahabad, UP in it’s Exclusive Talk Show and the topic is: YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR SHAHRUKH HASAN RIZVI ENTERS THE RACE OF POLITICS. WILL HE COME UP WITH AN AGENDA OR WILL COME TO CROSS THE VOTES?

1) Before we begin with our talk show, kindly tell our viewers and readers who Entrepreneur Shahrukh Hasan Rizvi is? State all about your family, birthplace, education, and rewards you received to date.

Shahrukh Hasan Rizvi (To-be-Politician): Well, my name is Shahrukh Hasan Rizvi. I am a political worker who remains among the people. I have been born and brought up in Prayagraj formally known as Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. I have finished my fundamental schooling and bachelor’s  in Water Resource Engineering from here itself. I am an IIM—Ranchi alumnus and a true entrepreneur by heart, a seasoned professional with over 8 years of involvement with micro-irrigation and water assets research. I had widespread assignments with Jain Irrigation and Finolex Industries that add ordnance to my repertory. I am the business head of Global Electro-Mechanical Equipment and CEO of Nishechan Inc. Also, with the vision of helping farmers and nurturing nature. Nishechan Inc. was set up in the year 2017 and is based in Ranchi. My vision is to enable the farmers to embrace smart agricultural solutions laced with the latest advances. Nishechan likewise endeavours to empower farmers to utilise accessible innovations and enhance their yield.

2) You are IIM-Ranchi alumni and a successful entrepreneur at this young age. What made you enter into politics?

Shahrukh Hasan Rizvi (To-be-Politician): You tell me; regardless of whether there is a requirement for youthful pioneers in politics. Indian politics have been noteworthy since its inception. Some people often notice numerous things have changed, yet politics in India have been the same. Isn’t it so? We have to consider this. Most of the Indian populace is younger than 35, however, it’s lawmakers are generally a gerontocracy. I generally feel that if the young join, the nature of legislative issues will improve because they will bring fresh ideas, enthusiasm and dynamism. People get everything and it will be advantageous to the framework. We ought not to swing like a pendulum from one extreme to another. We should find some kind of harmony. The people of the nation likewise seek some new leadership which they can trust. What’s more, this is the right thing that we need now. We need young fresh minds to come into legislative issues who strive to improve the nation.

3) If things go in your way and all-stars shall shine accordingly where you manage to get a ticket and later get a good win in 2022 UP elections as well. What all are you going to “do”, when it comes to doing?

Shahrukh Hasan Rizvi (To-be-Politician): As we know that pioneers need not do various things, it would be adequate if they can do things differently. The prevailing problems of the nation are ceaselessly hampering the development of the nation. In the obscurity fog of endless poverty, illiteracy and numerous deprivations, there is a need for a new dawn. The dawn that brings thriving, trust, freshness and that brings a new system altogether. Our political framework surely requires rebuilding to take the nation forward at a pace that can match with the other developing countries. The first thing; my life’s way of thinking is and what I follow is: I never dream of becoming anything, I dream of accomplishing something! We will work towards liberating people from bribery and price rise. We have a competent team that has made a decent plan. Our priorities are security for women, prices and provision of water, electricity, infrastructure, education, and health. I can’t stand to disregard anything. Every assignment is significant. I need to invest the additional exertion. So this is the thing that I will do.

4) Why shall the youth of India or the youth of UP trust you? You will make fancy promises or will you work?

Shahrukh Hasan Rizvi (To-be-Politician): It is a majorly asked question when a lawmaker anticipates that you should trust him with your vote in favour of long years. It is a fixed deposit that you can’t withdraw. You will possibly trust the bank to deliver the returns. An essential factor in building trust is accessibility. We often hear voters say this about their elected representatives: He never visited me in five years. He was never around. Yet, a portion of our legislators don’t even make such claims; they don’t even understand that they must position themselves as social workers rather than power players. Nothing builds trust as consistency. People go to their favorite cafes again and again that they know precisely what the food will taste like. A politician who is reliable with their ideas, policies, objectives, visibility and even non-verbal communication, can win the trust of the people. Given the sort of discretionary make-up, India has a deficiency of young politicians on the front benches is simply farfetched. They are patronized, suspected, downgraded to the background and constrained by an environment that encourages an uncritical reverence. The kernels of cynicism are in this manner gradually planted in them.

5) Will there be any chance of industrialization or rising in the graph of all employment sectors as a ray of hope if people elect an intellect like you?

Shahrukh Hasan Rizvi (To-be-Politician): Industrialization is the transformation of a society from an agrarian economy to a modern one. It has enormously positive impacts on wages, productivity, wealth generation, social mobility and standard of living. During industrialization, all wages tend to rise however, wages for certain ascents a lot quicker than others. See, whichever new government comes to control, its first objective will be to fix the certainty that is broken in people. I do believe in inclusive growth. I do accept; that the advantages of the development must reach the last person, they should be the recipient. Heaps of low-wage, low-skill workers hold their positions as well as earn higher salaries. Besides, targeted tax credit often does a great work of reaching the lower than the minimum wages. The time has come for the youth to step forward and take up the liability from the octogenarian politicians. Since we know, the impact of young leaders on the growth of a country is crucial. It isn’t to be disregarded that there must be the right balance between the experienced and youth. Consequently, an increasing number of young lawmakers is a new sunrise.

INTERVIEWED: Shahrukh Hasan Rizvi (To-be-Politician).
INTERVIEW TAKEN BY: Suniti Garg Special Correspondent.
PICTURE COURTESY: Shahrukh Hasan Rizvi (To-be-Politician).
EDITING DONE BY: Suniti Garg Sub—Editor.


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